Friday, July 25, 2008

Throwing a green baby shower

1) Picking the place - the home of a friend or family member is usually the best location of any baby shower, however, if that is not an option or if there are to many people in attendance to fit comfortably in someone's home, then use these tips for picking a public location. Check with local churches or community clubs. If choosing a restaraunt, look for a locally owned establishment with natural foods on the menu (locally growned and/or organic are the best). Another great location might be an outdoor park.

2) Decorations and utensils - no paper plates and plastic silverware at this shindig! Throwing a baby shower is a fabulous time to use your best china and silverware. If renting space at a church or community club, dishes might be available for your use. Renting dishes from your local rental company is always an option, or just ask around and see which guests can bring dishes to use. Nothing is prettier than a variety of beautiful decorated china - with different placements at each setting.

If you are considering cut flowers as decorations, make sure you buy organically grown flowers, or better yet, go for a long walk in a beautiful field and hand pick daisy's and other wildflowers.

If you want fancier decorations, reuse ribbons and tableclothes for other party events, or use fabric for tablecloths and give to mom to make bedding or curtains for baby's nursery after the event.

Consider making table centerpieces out of small diaper cakes (made from chlorine free diapers of course) or make centerpieces out of baby socks, washcloths, or other small items wrapped in a pretty ribbon and add a cute rattle or small stuffed animal. Mom gets to keep all the baby goodies used. If you wish to have an elaborate diaper cake, check out this beautiful cake from BabyShowersByMail. It is both beautiful and functional and is full of organic gifts for baby.

3) Invitations - consider e-mailing invitations so there is no waste. Otherwise, use recycled paper for printing invitations, try Twisted Limb Paperworks. Electronic services include evite !

Make sure you include on the invitation the date, time, place, and who the shower is for. Include places (stores and websites) where mom is registered, and also explain that mom is planning a healthy lifestyle for the new family and wishes items to be green.

4) Games and activities - look for games that don't waste paper or other goods.

5) Food - a wonderful salad made from in-season organic fruits is always a delightful dish. If those hostess is busy and there are a lot of guest expected, don't be afraid to ask others to bring an organic dish to share. If the party is being hosted at a restaurant then the food part is easy !

6) Gifts - some guests may need a little help choosing a green gift and the shower host may need to be available to help out with this. If mom is registered somewhere please let all the guest know to help make shopping easier. Remind guests that standard gift wrapping is no-no, and to opt for wrapping gifts in a soft organic blanket, or recycled paper. Reusing old paper is definately okay. Magazines headed to the landfill can be cut up and used to decorate a plain brown paper wrapping. Or use a non-toxic ink and a rubber stamp to make your own decorative brown paper wrap. Finally, tie up the package with a piece of jute from the local hardware store.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Help - I've been invited to a Green Baby Shower

Many moms recognize the importance of feeding their baby organic food - but more moms are becoming aware of the products they put on their babies bodies like the clothes, diapers, lotions, and other products used on baby's delicate skin. As the world becomes more environmentally aware - moms are learning about the harsh chemicals that are being used to grow the cotton used to make baby blankets and clothes, the chemicals used in diapers, and the chemicals used in our cosmetics and toiletries.

Having a "green" baby shower is a great way for moms to celebrate a new lifestyle for her and baby. But if you're new to "green" baby products, you might need a little help.

Most everything you would consider for a baby gift is available in some form of organic. If you're buying clothes, bedding, or blankets, look for organic cotton as your best choice in this area. There are many specialty websites that offer organic clothes and bedding and even some of the big chain stores are getting in on the act. Target for example, now carries some organic items.

There are many organic toiletry lines such as Jason's Earth Best, Burt's Bees Baby Bee, Auracia, California Baby and many, many more. They offer a large range of products such as washes, shampoos, lotions, oils, diaper creams and more. Again, many of these brands are now available at your local Target, Walgreens, or other discount store. Check out a local boutique for other brands and better selection. Organic plush toys are becoming very popular and we now carry the miYim line of toys.

A popular gift with new moms is diapers and home diaper delivery is even more special. Check with the mom to be and find out if she is planning to use cloth diapers or an eco-friendly, chlorine free disposable brand and you can give a gift that will really help out the new mom.

Keep in mind that some of the most wanted gifts are coupons for services. It could be something like baby-sitting services, errand running, or a gift for mom to do something to pamper herself.

Or how about a book on raising your baby organic. I like "Organic Baby: Simple Steps for Healthy Living" by Kimberly Rider Thayer, and Allyson Gowdy.

So assuming you've found a great gift to give at the shower, you will want to present it in a way that represents your new "green" values - after all, you're discovering that going green wasn't so hard after all! Personally, I love wrapping gifts in a receiving blanket or other usable item so that there is no waste. Tie the bundle with a piece of jute and you are all set to make a great impression.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Free Magazine Subscription

Are you mother of a little one or expecting a child? If so, Baby Talk currently has an offer to get a subscription to their magazine absolutely free!

This popular magazine is filled with the latest pregnancy information, plus expert advice on prenatal care, morning sickness, diet and nutrition, and more. Be in touch with what giving birth is all about; read moving birth stories; and learn lots of practical tips on labor and delivery.

Looking for baby shower ideas so you can throw a party your friends will love? Read up on some fun baby shower games as well as unique baby shower themes.

Plus, when you subscribe to Babytalk, you can enjoy lots of free stuff. Receive special promotions on free baby stuff from family-friendly companies including free offers, bargains, coupons, news and more. Click here to get your FREE subscription. This offer is for a limited time only.