Friday, September 19, 2008

Win Trumpette Socks

Six lucky people are going to win a box of Trumpette Socks over the next four weeks. We're having another contest. Just visit our website at , browse around our store and tell us what would be your ideal baby shower gift. E-mail your responses to with the words Trumpette Sock Entry in the subject line and we'll add your name to those eligible for our drawing. Towards the end of October, we will draw six names and six lucky people will win a box of socks.

Here's an extra little twist to the game. We are in the process of upgrading our home page for BabyShowersByMail and our new page will be going up live sometime in the next 2-3 weeks. The first person who sees the new home page and e-mails us their comments about the new look will automatically win a $50 gift certificate.

Good luck and check our site often for new products and information.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

More new great baby gift items at BabyShowersByMail

We have added another line of fabulous new baby gift items on our website. The miYim organic line of baby toys, and they are great!! The products are made of the highest quality organic cotton and packaged in the most beautiful recycled boxes. Send a gift you know they'll love - and use !

miYim is the ancient word for water. miYim uses Earth’s most prevalent resource – water – to grow and create their products. From its inception as a seed, the cotton used for miYim’s toys is organic – no chemicals, pesticides or herbicides are ever used in the cultivation process.

Simply Organic. miYim products represent the selection of organic, the choice of something better than the norm. That’s what we all want to bring home to our little ones, and with miYim we all benefit from the growth of this organic product line—today and tomorrow.

Everyone will love the new Organic Plush gift set – Set includes:Lamb Burp Cloth: Ultra-absorbent, natural colored organic cotton cloth, with an adorable plush lamb face! Duck Rattle/Teether: All-natural, chemical free, rattle/teether combination stimulates your baby’s senses, and eases your baby’s gums.Small Bunny Plush: This tiny bunny made with soft organic cotton is perfect for cuddling!

You will find miYim at BabyShowersByMail!