Monday, January 26, 2009

Tastybaby - organic baby food

Are you looking for some great organic baby food? If so Tastybaby takes strides to make sure their baby food is high in nutritional value, healthy & delicious. They make 100% USDA-certified organic products gluten-free and as unrefined as possible by leaving out any preservatives, trans-fats, sugar or salt. They want to ensure that you or your child can enjoy Tastybaby without the worry of an adverse reaction. They are happy to assure you that all 10 Tastybaby flavors are 100% USDA-certified organic & gluten-free. Packed with vitamins & nutrients (thanks to state-of-the-art blast-freezing technology), easy single servings are as eco-friendly as they are palate-pleasing. They use BPA-free / recyclable containers & biodegradable cardboard printed with vegetable-based inks.

At Tastybaby, they embrace the idea that foods should be processed or altered to the bare minimum. Ideally, they would all live on farms and grow the food we eat. Some lucky folks, like the Organic farmers who grow our ingredients, actually do.
The rest of us have to recreate that organic simplicity in our own lives.Organic foods are grown without toxic pesticides and fertilizers and are minimally processed without artificial ingredients, preservatives, irradiation or cloning. Organic foods are produced without antibiotics, synthetic hormones, genetic engineering, sewage sludge and other dangerous practices.And Organic food tastes great! The color and vibrancy of natural ingredient are left unadulterated, so the delicious, natural flavor of fruit and vegetables is undeniable.

I tried these great products out on my son and he loved them. The shipping was quick, the packing was great and they were easy to store.Check out for more info.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Diaper cakes make the perfect shower decoration

Most baby showers these days feature a diaper cake as the main centerpiece at the celebration. And why not!! Diaper cakes are beautiful, unique, and make the perfect gift for mom. Each cake can be decorated to match the shower theme, the baby's nursery, or the new mom's stylish taste. My favorite part of a diaper cake is that it is not only beautiful, but functional. After the shower has ended mom gets to take the cake home and re-use every part of the cake in carrying for her new baby.

While the main part of the diaper cake is the diapers, usually holding the whole thing together is a surprise in the center. For our diaper cakes at, we use a soft blanket for the center of our Elegant Cake, a Neat Sheet for at the beach is the center of our exclusive swimmer cake, and our Burt's Bees milk bath supports the middle of our other cakes.

My favorite is the swimmer cake, make from Huggies Little Swimmer swim pants, there is no other cake like this one out on the market. The center of the cake features a Neat Sheet for use at the beach, and the cake is covered with accessories such as toys, sunscreens, a swim, ring, and more. It is adorable. This cake is big (approx. 18" tall and 13" wide) and will make a big splash at any baby shower!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Contest - win a $75 gift certificate

Baby Luxe Daily is having a contest and is giving one lucky winner a $75 gift certificate to BabyShowersByMail. To enter, check them out at their website BabyLuxeDaily.

If you haven't visited Baby Luxe Daily before, now is a great time to check them out. BabyLuxe {daily} was started to help new parents, parents-to-be, and gift-givers alike, discover the greatness beyond mainstream baby retailers that seemed to be popping up from coast to coast. The BabyLuxe blog keeps moms and moms-to-be up on all the latest baby items to hit the market. There is also a fabulous resource for online shopping discount codes listed on their website.

Check them out, and register to win!