Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bundling up Baby

As you head out the door this winter, it’s important you keep your baby warm and safe.

Whether your infant is outside or in, knowing the proper way to keep your little one warm and dry is vital to his or her health.

  • Don’t forget a hat. Your baby’s head is a huge percentage of his or her body, so be sure to invest in a warm hat if you are headed outdoors.
  • Do layer up. Dressing your child in warm layers will keep him or her warm while outside. Consider dressing your infant in thermal underwear, long sleeved shirts, and gloves or mittens.

  • Don’t use loose blankets or pillows in the crib. Leaving your baby untended with a loose blanket, pillow or other bedding could lead to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). If you are worried about your infant being cold, dress him or her in a one-piece sleeper.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Safe Toys for a Happy Holiday

Christmas is just 10 days away, and your children are probably becoming more and more excited and curious about what gifts they’ll receive this year.

Making sure holiday toys are safe doesn’t mean you’ll need to start the purchasing process all over—it just requires a little double-checking.

  • Check the label. Be sure to select products labeled “nontoxic,” and check crayon boxes for the code “ASTM D4236,” which indicates they were approved by the American Society for Testing and Materials.

  • Choose age-appropriate items.

  • Don’t forget the helmet. If your child asked for a skateboard, scooter, bicycle or rollerblades, make sure to purchase proper safety equipment, as well.

  • Listen to the toys. Most toys that make noise can be activated in the packaging. Be sure the noise level doesn’t seem too loud, as it could potentially damage the delicate structures in your child’s ears.

Happy Holidays!