Monday, January 3, 2011

BabyShowersbyMail wants to help out families in 2011

BabyShowersbyMail wants to help out families in 2011 – if you know of a family that could use a little extra help this year, please send an email to and tell me their story. We will pick 12 families (one each month) that could use an extra gift and we will send them one case of diapers to help out the littlest family member. So if you know of someone who is struggling, trying to make ends meet or has had a financial rough year, tell me their story.

If your family is chosen, we'll contact you via e-mail to get their address for delivery.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I couldn't think of anyone to enter, but I shared your facebook post on my wall. Hopefully you'll get more people entering today! I think it's wonderful that you're helping people out like this!